My Dear Yogis and Yoginis,
Like I mentioned before I love the simplicity of how he says things, but never easy to apply.
“Probably since the beginning of man human beings have had no peace at all. And there have been a great many organisations, including this organisation, to bring about peace in the world – pacem in terris.
But there has been no peace. For various obvious reasons: nationalism, which is glorified tribalism, various opposing religions, divisions of classes, races and so on…
We are responsible for this society, which is corrupt, immoral, violent, divisive, cruel and so on. We have created this, this society in which we live. We are the society…
And we human beings seem to be incapable of living peacefully in our relationship with each other, living peacefully without any dogmatism, ideals, concepts. Because beliefs, faith, conclusions, ideals, have
separated man. And man apparently has not been able to live without any of those bondages…
The conditioning as an American, as a European, Hindu and so on, is it possible for us, who are so advanced in technology, is it possible for us to radically, fundamentally, bring about psychological change?
This is really a very, very serious question. This is what the biologists,
bio-technologists are trying to do; trying to bring about a radical change in the very brain cells themselves so that human beings can live peacefully, not everlastingly fight each other…
So facing all this, not abstractly, as a human being, what is he to do
actually? Form another group? Another religion? Another Institution? Or as a human being become aware of his conditioning, be concerned with his conditioning and free the brain from that conditioning.
Otherwise we are going to have perpetual wars, there will be no peace on earth in spite of all the religions, in spite of every institution.
It must begin with us, not with somebody else out there…
So is there psychological security, either in the family, in a group, in a community, in a nation, and internationalism and all that business?
Is there any kind of security inwardly? And that is, if we are not sure about that, certain, clear, we try to seek security outwardly, externally, through nations, through religious organisations, through some
So we ought to really seriously enquire into this question. That is
become aware, conscious, of our relationship with each other because to go very far we must begin very near. And the nearest is man and woman, wife and husband.
In that relationship there is conflict as there is now, then that conflict is spread;…
The wars that are going on in the world is our war, because our
consciousness – if I can go into all this much more deeply – our human consciousness, which is made up of biological reactions, fears, hurts, pleasure, beliefs, dogmas, rituals and endless suffering – that is the content of our consciousness. If you observe this closely it is a fact that every human being throughout the world shares this,
every human being suffers, every human being has fear, pleasure, sense of loneliness, despair, anxiety, confusion – every human being, whether they live in the Far East, or here, or in Russia,
or in other places…
So each one is humanity, not separate individuals.
I know you will not accept this because you have been conditioned from the beginning by religions, by society, by culture, that each one is separate individuals, separate soul, and therefore he must seek his own salvation, his own expression, his own fulfilment. And this so-called separate individuality is creating havoc in the world. Which does not mean that we all become the same automatic, turned out in the same mould. On the contrary. Freedom is the highest form of existence.
It is the greatest art, to live freely…
(excerpts: causes of war – NY public talk 1984)
Monday 28.02.
Peaceful energy from you to the world
Slow Flow
Wednesday 02.03.
From empathy to compassion
Thursday 03.03.
Open Theme
Yogis Choice
Friday 04.03.
Connecting with your center of security
Monday 07.03.
Counting your blessings
One of a few things we can do at the present situation is being a light in this world and sending peaceful intentions out.
May all being have happiness and the causes of happiness.
May all being be free from suffering and causes of suffering.
May all being never be parted from freedom’s true joy.
May all beings dwell in equanimity, free from attachment and