
There Is Life To Be Lived

John Hain

My dear Yogis and Yoginis,

Lately I find myself swimming against the stream again, trying not to engage or being swept away by all the events and negative news that let me feel anxious, helpless and hopeless.
The savior still seem to lie in making conscious choices and to living the moment. It takes energy to withdraw, but once you do,
you get rewarded with way more energy coming back to you.
I came across this writing that inspired me to write this blog.

“Life is for living. Open the windows.
Dance in the kitchen as you cook. Play that music loud.
Turn off the news.
Check in with someone you love. Get some fresh air.
Watch the beautiful show nature is putting on for us right now.
Leave the negative online discussions behind. Unfollow the chaos.
Feel alive again.”

~ buterfliesandpebbles (Word Porn)

Monday 25.04.
Check out to check in

Wednesday 27.04.
Moving stagnant energy

Thursday 28.04.
Open Theme
Yogis Choice

Friday 29.04.
The magic of the breath
Slow Flow

Explore and enjoy your inner landscapes with me!




The Flow Of Life

My dear Yogis and Yoginis,

Do you feel sometimes like you do one step forward and two steps back? But this is only our limited perception of things, in our mind it always has to go up, forward, more, deeper, further etc.
Just like a wave at the shore that splashes on the shore,
retrieves in itself back before expressing itself with different force, size and timeframe. Everything has its rhythm and fighting it that is were the suffering and pain comes in.
When it is actually time to reflect, collect and gather strength to move forward with the gained wisdom and ease.

That’s where yoga comes in again.
Can we practice yoga without any forcing of the body?
Let the injuries and limitations guide us to find solutions? Learn how to challenge ourselves without harming ourselves?
Enjoy where we are at right now, knowing every moment is a new beginning and is not coming back?

Monday 18.04
Post Easter Twists
Detox Flow

Wednesday 20.04.
Nourish Your Body
Slow Flow

Thursday 21.04.
Open Theme
Yogis Choice

Friday 22.04.
Moving It All Up
Wave Flow

Stay in your flow!




Celebrate The Authentic You

My dear Yogis and Yoginis,

I always believed in the importance of being authentic and supported young teachers to discover and nurture this treasure. The way one communicates on the mat and teaches should be a reflection of ones own personality and understanding of needs and capabilities, because it is experienced and lived by ones own body.

I recently found out that someone has been copy/pasting the content of my blog and website for their own promotional use.
It is very flattering, but I would appreciate if you don’t do this.
Writing and posting the content on the channels requires a lot of time and energy and it is my own, unless I quote someone then I credit them for it.

Everyone of us has his/her own way of moving and the body expresses itself in its uniqueness, and that is what makes us who we are. I found there lies the beauty that it is filled with grace. Just like in nature where nothing is identical.
I encourage you to commit to your practice and always keep on learning about yourself, to get inspired by others and remain authentic and true to yourself.

Monday 11.04.
Listen within
Blind Flow

Wednesday 13.04.
Set your body free

Thursday 14.04.
Open Theme
Yogis Choice

Friday 15.04.
Celebrate your body

Let your body enjoy itself!




Clarity – Intentions

clear sky with some clouds
Ritam Baishya

My dear Yogis and Yoginis,

“I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all the obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright bright sunshiny day…”
~ Jimmy Cliff

Even though intentions are better to implement or work with than resolutions, often we still get thrown of the path. I believe the reason is that we have these intentions, but don’t change anything else in our life or in our behavior/habits; so after a while we end up at square one again. We need to be willing to change or shift our focus or priorities which means things can’t stay exactly as they are.

The first step in the right direction is clarity. What do I really want and why! That on it’s own will free up empowering energy.

We can practice this of course also on the mat.
Meaning that you become clear about the intention for yoga practice each time you step on your mat. Every day is treating you differently, so intentions might change or shift.
Some of you might unconsciously do this already, but I would like to invite you to make conscious choices this week!

Monday 04.04.
Start of the week Intention

Wednesday 06.04.
Midweek Intention

Thursday 07.04.
Open Theme
Yogis Choice

Friday 08.04.
With Intention into the weekend
Slow Flow

What will be your focus?!



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