My dear Yogis and Yoginis,
Lately I find myself swimming against the stream again, trying not to engage or being swept away by all the events and negative news that let me feel anxious, helpless and hopeless.
The savior still seem to lie in making conscious choices and to living the moment. It takes energy to withdraw, but once you do,
you get rewarded with way more energy coming back to you.
I came across this writing that inspired me to write this blog.
“Life is for living. Open the windows.
Dance in the kitchen as you cook. Play that music loud.
Turn off the news.
Check in with someone you love. Get some fresh air.
Watch the beautiful show nature is putting on for us right now.
Leave the negative online discussions behind. Unfollow the chaos.
Feel alive again.”
~ buterfliesandpebbles (Word Porn)
Monday 25.04.
Check out to check in
Wednesday 27.04.
Moving stagnant energy
Thursday 28.04.
Open Theme
Yogis Choice
Friday 29.04.
The magic of the breath
Slow Flow
Explore and enjoy your inner landscapes with me!